Thursday, 11 November 2010

Love in October

You will be meditating about your romantic life too this month, just after the new moon, October 7. . . . Your down-to-business determination in regard to streamlining your love life (thanks to the influence of Saturn) could now work to your advantage. The new moon October 7, conjunct Saturn, could help you find and create a strong, fulfilling, deep, and enduring relationship.

Its too soon to say whether its enduring (although I hope so), but the rest is correct. In particular the "down-to-business" part -- we've approached matters that way.

It seems that a good astrologer can, surprisingly often, pick the subject that will feature and then picks a possible event in that subject area, that

- might be true;

- might have come true if I don't do something to prevent it;

- was just plan wrong.

Monday, 8 November 2010

One hit, one 50

On Monday I was unexpectedly asked to take a lead in some business discussions, and my comments were received very well; so much so that I got a 2 month contract extension. Here was the forecast for this week:

At some point this week you may be asked to make a presentation: at the very least say a few words in public. Don't doubt your abilities! You could make considerable impact.

But then last week there was a quite definite prediction that was at best semi correct. There is a lot of talking about sorting out some domestic issues, in the course of which I'm often accused of being hurtful and provocative, but my career and domestic circumstances wasn't rocked.

Let's face it. You enjoy words and the effect they have. But you're probably not naturally cruel and may be mortified if you've hurt someone. Be prepared to be accused. At least one person thinks you've been downright provocative. Get ready too for your career and domestic circumstances to be rocked by news that someone's going off in another direction - and won't be stopped.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Solo day

Not a big deal but absolutely spot on. Also, not hedged about with maybe's and possibly's (which would have lead me to ignore it):

You won't be getting along so well with peers or even clients right now, so do your best to concentrate on solo projects and let them all just drive each other crazy for a change. When the dust clears, you'll be squeaky clean!

I certainly didn't get on with them, and I got work done working on my own (from home, as it happened).