Friday, 31 December 2010

Chinese forecast for 2011

Wow! Two posts on one day. But I just found this forecast and it looks very interesting:

Brave astrologer

How about this for sticking your neck out:

Happy New Year - and a slightly different forecast for this first day of 2011. Every sign has a ruling planet (yours is Mercury). The days when the Sun makes a special aspect to this planet are worth ringing in your diary. They are likely to be significant, action-packed days for those of your sign. So, ring the following dates on your calendar or diary and at the end of the year let's see what happened. Your dates are : Jan 10th, Feb 25th, March 1 and 13, April 9 and 12, June 9, 12 and 28, August 17 and 22, September 26 and 28, Oct 2, Dec 2 and 4

I'll track these and give him a score at the end of the year.

Wednesday, 29 December 2010


"And, of course, there's also the issue of property and where and how you'd like to live"

And then out of the blue someone wants to come and look at the house that has been for sale since August with very little interest shown in it. Is this again a matter of identifying an area of interest correctly (note no qualifiers in the sentence)?