Thursday, 14 April 2011

Brave astrologer - fourth review

Nothing happened on the 12th April of any significance. Strangely the 11th was busy and purposeful and full of energy. So 0 points.
Happy New Year - and a slightly different forecast for this first day of 2011. Every sign has a ruling planet (yours is Mercury). The days when the Sun makes a special aspect to this planet are worth ringing in your diary. They are likely to be significant, action-packed days for those of your sign. So, ring the following dates on your calendar or diary and at the end of the year let's see what happened. Your dates are : Jan 10th, Feb 25th, March 1 and 13, April 9 and 12, June 9, 12 and 28, August 17 and 22, September 26 and 28, Oct 2, Dec 2 and 4

Monday, 11 April 2011

Career developments

I’ve had lots of change in my professional life over the last few months, that seem to be coming to a head now. Here is the build up -- quite impressive really.

March monthly forecast:

Ever since last year you’ve been juggling options regarding what you do, career or major domestic changes.

True and falsifiable but it’s not a forecast and not useful – I know this.

This process extends until late April . .

it’s still not finished so might well run to the end of April.

and will ultimately both surprise – and delight – you.

Let’s see. I can do with some delight in this sphere.

Different March monthly forecast

Your spirits will soar as you see how dearly your talents are valued in the marketplace after the new moon of March 4 arrives. . . Notice the phone calls you receive and the meetings and presentations you have scheduled during the first ten days of March because those will likely bring the right professional results. Take those talks seriously

True enough although timing not that precise.

The first half of the month will be your very best for investigating new career offers. The ones that come up now will be on a high level, perhaps the kind you only used to dream about. . . . You need not actually capture your new spot this month (that may take some time), but you would have to make a concerted effort to take your first steps on or just AFTER March 4.

True in every detail

Last year was your golden career year, so clearly you were growing and evolving to a new level of mastery over your work.

Then this sort of thing comes up and you wonder whether it’s all garbage – last year was a lousy year from most points of view.

Gemini has been struggling with Saturn in the fifth house of true love since July of last year, and Saturn creates separations at no fault of your own. For example, you meet someone new only to discover your new romantic interest lives far from you - so far you'd need an airplane to see one another! Saturn is remaining until October 2012, so you have a way to go yet.

And then you get a spookily correct comment like this one, that is linked to the whole career discussion.

Week from 20th March

Discussion of new ideas and potential changes has been going on for months, so long it`s become somewhat of a pastime. Enough you`re not taking the actual events currently rearranging your life and those of others seriously. Suddenly it`s no longer about discussion but action - and often fast-paced.

It’s true that action picked up around that week but it’s not as there were any clean cut-offs. It is true that it had been going on for a long time and also that events suddenly became much more real.

Week from 27th March

It's entirely possible that you'll feel torn in two or more career directions. . . . By the weekend it may be clear that there really is only one way ahead - even if that looks (temporarily) as though it's a cul-de-sac.


There's high probability of increased contact with those who live a very long way away (and/or who seem to inhabit a different world).


As you seek to see things from their perspective you might decide to turn your back on a way of life that's taken too much out of you (too many meetings) : an interesting 'spiritual' development.

Not true.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Resolution of Business Impasse

What a clunky title. All it means it that I had a real professional dispute -- 2 people both wanted me to do work for them in the same 2 week period. It was heading for an argument that would cost me this month's work and income but a new player in one company helped bring about a situation where the overlap is resolved and I keep this month's assignment!

You might just punch the air with delight. You may have attracted a situation where you're seen as the expert. . . .. Someone new to the scene could bring with them fresh enthusiasm and the necessary determination to get a task out of the way before the end of the month.

Spot on.

There is a larger post I have to write on how accurate the predictions of quite a few astrologers were for the professional makeover I went through in March, which will have to wait until I have the time later today perhaps.