Tuesday, 31 May 2011

June and its eclipses

"You have entered a landmark month, where all sorts of shifts, on every level, will take place. Your personal life will see the biggest changes, and those will be driven by both circumstances and your own preferences. The new moon solar eclipse of June 1 is friendly and will bring you an array of choices. It should be fairly easy to find answers to current questions because, with an eclipse in the double-bodied sign of Gemini, at least two courses of action will show up if you look for them. You can choose the best.

The second eclipse June 14 will have to do with a close alliance in love or business. You will either forge a new relationship, or end a troubled one. With Saturn in good angle, you can expect your decision to have a long-range affect. The moon rules your second house of income, so with the moon going through a total lunar eclipse, money - as income or expense - will be on your mind and will become an increasingly intense focus by month's end."

That is definite enough to allow a test.