Here is the first one at After a very interesting survey of the political landscape of the last 40 years, it concludes
"The most sensible reading of all this is that David Cameron will gain an outright majority at the next election and the coalition will be over, and as a political force so will Nick Clegg."
While not predicting who will form the new Government, Patrick Arundell makes some predictions about the election and its aftermath:
It doesn't sound like Miliband will be PM, anyway. the 2015 general election, UKIP will have several members of parliament, truly becoming an influential and potentially powerful force in British politics. The Conservative Party will not do as badly as some would like to think. The Liberal Party will almost disintegrate after severe losses and will be forced to fight for its very survival. It will wave goodbye to Mr Clegg. The Liberals will not be a serious fighting force in British politics for many years to come.It is highly likely that during the Year of the Sheep, Ed Milliband will lose the leadership of the Labour Party. His successor will be unsuccessful in many ways. The party will continue to struggle to find an identity and meaningful policies. The opinions of the British public will be voiced more by UKIP than any other political organisation.
Will scout for more that don't sit on the fence.