Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Falsifiable Thursday

Here is a very clear prediction from for me for Thursday:
You should find that things have changed in a big way by the end of the day -- most likely for the better! Your energy is definitely in sync with the rest of the world, so keep on pushing.
I don't quite know when their Thursday is -- if the forecast is meant to cover the USA then it extends 8 hours into what we in the UK would call Friday. But in any case I'll be checking by Friday lunchtime whether things have changed a lot (and hopefully for the better!)

This might be a good test of predictions, as the theme of big change for Gemini is also on other forecasts -- here is what Shelly von Strunckel says about this week:

It’s unclear whether it’s your own idea, something you overheard or an offer. Or all of these. What is sure is that Monday’s encounter between your ruler Mercury and the expansive Jupiter brings life-changing events. Knowing that, show interest in absolutely everything, knowing plans can be slimmed down later. Similarly, when certain well-meaning individuals advise caution, smile enigmatically and ignore them. If ever there was a time to take chances, it’s now.

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