Monday, 31 October 2011

Brave November

It is frustrating how much woolly stuff there is in forecasts. Here is a reasonably clear set of predictions for November.

Note on 5th December -- after tracking them they no longer look so clear!

Put on those gold-rimmed eyeglasses and get your beret on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, because you’re going to be called on to be at your super-intellectual best.

True. Against a general backdrop of ho hum work, these 3 days have been intellectually interesting and busy.

Your friends aren’t too shabby in the brains and common sense department, either, so why not ask them for advice on the 6th?

This is pretty meaningless. People express opinions all the time, including my friends.

Follow-through is your middle name on the super productive (and pretty darned sensual) 11th, 12th and 13th.

On the 11th and 12th I got quite a bit done. The 13th was as forecast even though I was hung over.

Someone could misinterpret your message on the 18th, 19th or 20th. Try your best to explain what you really mean.

Meaningless. Anyway there were no particularly significant misunderstandings on these days

A partner has a really, really great idea on the 25th or 26th. Be sure to let them know how much you appreciate them!


Wrap up the month with a couple of new deep insights on the 29th and 30th. And don’t be surprised if you impress everybody


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